Friday, July 11, 2003

Random thoughts...

Just some stuff going through my mind lately....

I set our computer to record "Oz" on the SOLAR channel, an odd Asian station that doesn't seem to be owned by anyone. The clips I've seen on there seem to all be from the first season, but I'm hoping they show more recent episodes. Anyway, I can never seem to record an entire episode. That's because although it's supposed to be on at 11, sometimes it starts at 11:20, or 11:16, or 11:04, or 10:52. My little ATI TV program doesn't have a setting for "Whenever the Hell SOLAR Feels Like It."
Our cable provider, which seems to be always a feather away from falling into bankruptcy, is losing the "Star Movies Mandarin" channel. That bites, now we won't get our ridiculous Hong Kong action/fantasy movies that look like 2-hour LSD trips. These are movies that are actually made less understandable by the English subtitles.
Just as long as they don't get rid of Sahara, one of our Indian channels. I don't want to lose "Dum Dum Diga Diga," the Indian music video show with some catchy songs and plenty of hot Indian ladies.
A few weeks ago one of the local papers did a story about how much money Philippine congresspeople make. Who makes a million pesos a year, who doesn't. Much like the US versions of this story, only in true Philippine style, they celebrate the rich rather than the poorer members doing it for public service. Anyway, it occurred to me then that here we are multi-millionaires. Even more so, since we don't pay for our housing here. We are richer than most legislators here. It's an odd position to be in.

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