Said hello to Jonathon's teacher, Ms. Roberston, who was Nicholas's teacher last year so I know he'll have a great year. She rules a no nonsense classroom, but has a lot of fun with the kids and they really like her.
I met Nicholas's teacher when I popped my head in to say Hi. She started right off with how wonderful he is. Because he's so quiet?, I asked. No no no, he's outgoing and chatty and a leader and..., she said before I stopped her. You're talking about Nicholas? I queried with a sort of "you're kidding, right?" tone. She was serious. I told her that of my 4 kids he's the most reserved, always has been pretty mellow, just ask Ms. Robertson across the hall. She commented my house must be a little crazy if he's the quiet one. Honestly, I'm not quite sure what to make of it!
I stopped into Rebecca's class to say Hello, but didn't get a chance to meet her teacher, though Rebecca again said her teacher is the best one ever, so I'm thinking she's going to have a great year too. I tried to grab Ms. D after school but she was talking to another parent and I didn't get a chance to
I'm really pleased with all the teacher placements this year, even with Katherine's classes. Katherine is doing really well, I'm very pleased, even while I watch her with a more knowledgable eye. Today she was downright perky after school, when I caught up with her walking down the hall with a new girl... Katherine.
I can't help thinking it's going to be a great year for my little brood.
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