Being a senior in high school means that the last few weeks of school really aren't school. Exams are done early due to AP and Capstone requirements. Week Without Walls just happened so there are no big projects still looming. Really, Becca's last day of actual school was roughly 2 weeks ago (and the boys don't finish until 8 June). So when an ad came in the newsletter looking for someone to staff the USA Security and Defense pavilion Exhibitor's Lounge for the Special Operations Forces Exhibition (SOFEX), Becca applied.
For three days she made coffee, offered cookies, cleaned up, ran errands, handed out pamphlets and schedules, and provided a smiling face to the lounge. On the third day, we got to join her and see what it was all about.
With that badge, she can make any coffee you want. |
Rope? What rope? They even turned on the lights for him. |
At the end, Becca was palmed an AUSA coin from the general who runs the program that pulls these pavilions together, and when asked her thoughts on it, she was honest - some moral and ethical confusion lingers between the "security"/"defense" and the selling of war.
She made a good amount of money for those 3 days, got rides with the organizers in the mornings, and had her lunch paid for. Confusion aside, it's one of those things that looks kinda interesting on a resume.